Dari's Blog
This is where I go to play (some people call it writing...)
A Blog About Creativity

The Sounds of Summer
I’ve been in the process of creating an audio recording of my book, which I was going to, and hopefully still will, make available through an audio publishing company

Don’t just Read This Book – Do It!
THE ARTISTIC BLOG ADAPTATION I want to mention before I officially begin today’s blog, that many of my blogs will be adaptations from my courses and from my book itself, “The Art Of Becoming An Artist”. I may or may not go in the actual order of the book. I may take some creative license

My First Blog…
LET’S GO ON A CREATIVE ADVENTURE! Hi everyone. My name is Dari. Actually Darylynn Starr Rank. But, dari. I’m a writer, I’m a therapist who specializes in working with artists, and a teacher, guide, instructor, professor, whatever you want to call it. I’ve taught my courses, workshops, retreats, adult camps, in many many different places